TMTPOST -- A group of U.S. investors organized by CEO Jesse Tinsley has secured much more than $20 billion for their offer to own TikTok, according to head of the HR and payroll software provider.Credit:China DailyThe aforementioned group’s bid is “significantly higher” than a roughly US$20 billion offer from a rival buyer, and the group estimated it would cost it $250 billion to own TikTok operation in U.S., Tinsley said in a Bloomberg interview on Wednesday. Roblox co-founder and CEO David Baszucki and Anchorage Digital co-founder and CEO Nathan McCauley also have been recruited in the group as inves
US Investors Bid to Own TikTok with Significantly More than …
2025-01-30 14:42:00来源: 钛媒体

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